EMMTRC Madeira
EMA Mountain Running Championship
Mountain 8,5K (D+900) - 06.11 - € 50
Mountain - Open Race 8,5K (D+900)* - 06.11 - € 30
Trail 31K (D+1950) - 08.11 - € 50
Trail Relay 31K (D+1950)* - 08.11 - € 30 per team (3 athletes - € 10 per athlete). To be paid directly at TIC
Value for the second event: € 30
Athletes’ Party - € 20 (only accompanying person pay)
Accompanying Person € 20 (transport value)
Note: There won’t be any price because there is no need for it.
Entries closes 2 weeks before the event - 23 October 2020.
There is no limit to entries.
* It isn't valid for the European Masters Championship.
- Reimbursement may be requested when a participant has been shown to be unable to take the race, provided that the participant is associated with an accident or illness diagnosed after registration.
- Cancellation must be requested by email to: . A medical certificate must be attached to this request.
- No cancellations will be accepted by phone.
- Amounts reimbursed to participants meeting the above conditions will vary according to the date on which reimbursement is requested.
- The organization will not “block” applications.
- Reimbursement of fees paid will be made under the following conditions:
Until 06/09/2020 - 50% of the fee will be reimbursed
From 07/09 to 06/10/2020 - 25% of the fee will be reimbursed
From 07/10/2020 onward - No reimbursement will be given
- If the event is canceled for reasons beyond the will of the organization, by the deadline for registration, a refund will be entitled to a certain percentage calculated by the organization, which will cover the expenses previously incurred with the event.
EMACNS Madeira
EMA European Athletics Championships Non-Stadia
10K Race Walking - 29.10 - € 55
10K Race - 29.10 - € 55
Cross Relay 3X2K - 30.10 - for accredited athletes only - € 30 per team (3 athletes - € 10 per athlete) - To be paid directly at TIC.
Nordic Walking Open Race 6K* - 30.10 - € 30
Half Marathon 21K - 31.10 - € 55
20K W Race Walking - 31.10 - € 55
30K M Race Walking - 31.10 - € 55
Value for a second and more events: € 25 each
Athletes’ Party - € 20 (paid by all athletes and accompanying person)
Accompanying Person € 20 (transport value)
Note: There won’t be any party transport price.
Entries closes 2 weeks before the event - 15 October 2020.
There is no limit to entries.
* It isn't valid for the European Masters Championship.
- Reimbursement may be requested when a participant has been shown to be unable to take the race, provided that the participant is associated with an accident or illness diagnosed after registration.
- Cancellation must be requested by email to . A medical certificate must be attached to this request.
- No cancellations will be accepted by phone.
- Amounts reimbursed to participants meeting the above conditions will vary according to the date on which reimbursement is requested.
- The organization will not “block” applications.
- Reimbursement of fees paid will be made under the following conditions:
Until 29/08/2020 - 50% of the fee will be reimbursed
From 30/08 to 29/09/2020 - 25% of the fee will be reimbursed
From 30/09/2020 onward - No reimbursement will be given
- If the event is canceled for reasons beyond the will of the organization, by the deadline for registration, a refund will be entitled to a certain percentage calculated by the organization, which will cover the expenses previously incurred with the event.